
Jan 102 min

What is it Like to Experience Coaching?

Come with me and witness one of many reflective walks I have taken with my Abba Father, my Master Coach.

In this 20-minute walk, you will experience coaching in the raw as God grants me a safe and uninhibited space to lay my whirling thoughts before Him as He "coaches" me.

Hear what is entailed in receiving what is called life-coaching:

Father God, The Coach:

Provides the reflective process;

Me, the coachee:

Provides the content;

Holy Spirit, the Power:

Providing the transformation.

As you watch...NOTICE HOW:

  • The Coach does not direct me to His answer; but instead, curiously draws out my own thoughts and understanding in such a contemplative way that I am invited to think in new ways I may not have considered before.

  • The Coach never tells me what to do; but rather, He asks questions that help me consider how the awareness I have gained from our conversation might help me know possible next steps I could take to move forward.

  • The Coach not only helps me refine next steps so they are tailor-fit for me, but also invites me to consider what challenges &/or support I might need to make progress.

All the while, The Coach is walking alongside me, being my thinking-partner. He tenderly allows me to be in the "driver's seat" while He merely remains the powerful catalyst for drawing out what is whirling around deep inside me.

Watch how His coaching allows me to gain further clarity, greater understanding, strengthened hope, and well-grounded confidence. Experience alongside me the refreshment of His loving, listening ear, His patient heart and His empowering Spirit so I can further live aligned to my God-given design with greater joy, freedom and eternal impact!

Or copy/paste this YouTube link into your browser:

For further valuable resources delivered right to your inbox that accompany this "blog-walk", simply email me at

Click below to find out more how you can make a much needed "detox" alignment for a

refreshed and powerful New Year! (Group, Individual & On-Demand options):

Assessment sounds so sterile and clinic-like, but this assessment will help unveil the strengths you may not realize are hiding amidst the current stress and frustrations you have! Enroll in this assessment and the accompanied 90-min coaching session to not only identify your unique strengths BUT experience the renewed motivation and encouragement you need to move forward with a new spring in your step!:

Come on journey that takes you, at your own pace, to the core of WHO you are in Christ and HOW you are uniquely wired to live everyday with clarity, purpose and God's masterpiece!:

Register to learn and immediately apply coaching skills that will multiply the impact of every conversation you have! (3, 2-hour days of coaching skills training):

For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. -Ephesians 2:10
