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Writer's pictureCoachTami2.10

“Up” Your Walk...

Psalm 3; Matthew 3-4; Gen 4-6

God designed human beings to walk in relationship with Him.

He designed us to commune with him throughout our day and into our night.

Enoch walked with God (Gen 5:24); Noah walked with God (Gen 6:9).

Walking and “talking” is communing.

Commune means...

to focus on God,


talk, often with profound intensity,

intimate communication as sharing your heart and mind with God in prayer:

an interchange of ideas or sentiments...

God’s further design for mankind is to be enabled to be indwelled by Him through His very own Holy Spirit.

His personal presence of heart-indwelling allows Him to personally lift up our heads from discouragement and defeat as well as convict our hearts of any disharmony that enters our personal, indwelling community with Him: the disharmony He knows is capable of destroying, diminishing His original design of us being in peaceful relationship with Him...

He knows that apart from Him, we are destitute and hopelessly lost, walking our own way to find what we believe is for our good...but sadly, is not.

Therefore, because of His great love for us and His desire to experience the communion He designed us to have with Him, He is always and perfectly working so that His glory and preeminence be in all, over all.

But, He invites our cooperation.

Our submission.

Our willingness to walk with Him, trusting His heart, His ways, His timing, His provision.

Every. Step. We. Take.

For me and you, this means He will do what He seems necessary in our life so we would grow more and more surrendered in our obedience and daily communing with Him.

He is the lifter of my head. (Ps 3:3)

He is my strength.

He is my shield.

He is my God and my God is for me.

Walking, talking, communing with my God...head held high...looking to Him, my help and my stay, come what may...

With Whom are you walking?

Stop. Pause. Reflect:

  1. What difference could a renewal to commune with Him make in your life as you walk through every twist and turn?

  2. What would be the smallest, very next step, God may be inviting you to consider and cooperate with Him today?

  3. How willing are you to commit to taking that first step?

  4. What would you lose if you didn’t? What would you gain?

Live Aligned to Your God-Given Design

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