Acerca de
The Masterpiece Encounter
Come on a powerful journey that leads you
closer to Your Designer &
deeper into living as
10 at-your-pace interactive videos where I help you...
Recognize & disarm the lies & pressures of:
unrealistic expectations, standards & limiting beliefs
Uncover the value, significance & powerful influence of YOUR unique, God-given:
life experiences, passions, gifting, abilities, personality & dreams
Gain the clarity needed in making decisions and living out your next steps, moment by moment
Grow in confidence, freedom, courage and joy from living how God wired YOU!
Make greater, lasting impact in your sphere of influence "at such a time as this!"
Watch this 8-minute video below
as I personally explain the
incredible value of going through
"The Masterpiece Encounter"
The Masterpiece Encounter is an online, on-demand course
with Group coaching combined!
This journey includes a 50-page workbook that accompanies online, on-demand video lessons, and ten, 60-minute group coaching sessions with me to help you and your group get the most out of the deep heart-work involved in each of the nine exercises...finishing with a spectacular "hands on," step-by-step creation of your own personalized VISION BOARD! ​
All for $249 per person
The Masterpiece Encounter Journey:
The Masterpiece Encounter, the online, on-demand GROUP coaching-journey includes:
10 videos with 9 step-by-step exercises
Written transcripts of all videos so in case internet is not working or reading is preferred over watching the videos.
50-page downloadable pdf accompanying workbook AND each one in your group will also receive a hard-copy of this workbook FREE (a $35 value!)
10, 60-min ONLINE Group-coaching sessions on days/times that works for your group
25-page downloadable Coaching-Session Notebook AND each one in your group will also receive a hard-copy of this notebook FREE (a $14 value!)
Further valuable resources & ongoing support!