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The Masterpiece Encounter

Come on a powerful journey that leads you

closer to Your Designer &

deeper into living as



10 at-your-pace interactive videos where I help you...

  • Recognize & disarm the lies & pressures of:

    • unrealistic expectations, standards & limiting beliefs

  • Uncover the value, significance & powerful influence of YOUR unique, God-given:

    • life experiences, passions, gifting, abilities, personality & dreams

  • Gain the clarity needed in making decisions and living out your next steps, moment by moment 

  • Grow in confidence, freedom, courage and joy from living how God wired YOU!

  • Make greater, lasting impact in your sphere of influence "at such a time as this!"

Watch this 8-minute video below
as I personally explain the
incredible value of going through
"The Masterpiece Encounter" 

The Masterpiece Encounter is an online, on-demand course

with Group coaching combined!



This journey includes a 50-page workbook that accompanies online, on-demand video lessons, and ten, 60-minute group coaching sessions with me to help you and your group get the most out of the deep heart-work involved in each of the nine exercises...finishing with a spectacular "hands on," step-by-step creation of your own personalized VISION BOARD! â€‹

All for $249 per person

The Masterpiece Encounter Journey:

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Enroll Now

The Masterpiece Encounter, the online, on-demand GROUP coaching-journey includes:


  • 10 videos with 9 step-by-step exercises

  • Written transcripts of all videos so in case internet is not working or reading is preferred over watching the videos.

  • 50-page downloadable pdf accompanying workbook AND each one in your group will also receive a hard-copy of this workbook FREE (a $35 value!)

  • 10, 60-min ONLINE Group-coaching sessions on days/times that works for your group

  • 25-page downloadable Coaching-Session Notebook AND each one in your group will also receive a hard-copy of this notebook FREE (a $14 value!)

  • Further valuable resources & ongoing support!

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All for $249 per person
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