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The 6-Hour Introductory Coaching Training

Based on the book, The COACH Model for Christian Leaders, this 6-hour, shortened introductory workshop (Full workshop is 22 hours) is made for a refresher for those who are experienced as well as an introduction to those who are new or not-so-experienced in coaching skills.


Over the course of this introductory training, you will become familiar with the COACH Model® and by the end of the 6 hours you will better understand the skills and will have further confidence that will motivate you to begin integrating powerful coaching mindsets and skills right away into your current roles and ministries!  


Topic and skills covered in this practical and interactive workshop:

  • How to level up your trust in the Holy Spirit as you minister to others.

  • How to listen actively so others feel you understand them.

  • How to ask powerful questions that initiate a change of thinking.

  • How to generate feedback that avoids defensiveness.

  • How to design action steps that will actually be accomplished.

  • How to follow-up to increase learning and accountability.



Individuals: $350.00 USD**

Married Couples taking the training together: $425.00**

Cost includes digital download of Training Workbook pages which accompany this shortened, introductory training.

**If you need to cancel your enrollment, registration funds will be returned, minus a $50 deposit.


Highly Recommended Pre-Reading: 

"The Coach Model" book by Keith Webb

Reading this book before or throughout the training will greatly enhance your learning and skill development. 


Take Your First Step:
6-Hour Introductory Coaching Training

Get in touch so we can start working together. Upon submission, you will receive a link to schedule a FREE discovery call with me so we can work out all the details of this training before you submit payment. 

Get ready for a thrilling sneak peek into reality! As you level up your trust in God's Spirit through coaching, you'll witness transformation in those you serve and be eager to build on this training!

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Tami Thorsen Life Coach
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