Tami's NRHC

Dgroup Weekly Meeting Day:
Tuesday mornings from 9-10:30am
Dgroup Location:
Tami's home:
596 Stonehenge Drive
Rock Hill, SC 29730
Dgroup for:
All women of all ages
Dgroup Ministry Focus:
Community Prayer Walks
Dgroup Study Focus:
Growing together in our understanding and practice of prayer AS WE study, consider, reflect, and apply the Bible together!
Dgroup May 9, 2023:
Dgroup SUMMARY: May 2, 2023
Reflect on Pastor Chad’s Sunday sermon & Psalm 90:12
Vanessa joined us via Zoom
Tammy Ebert joined us and has committed to engaging in our Dgroup. We all were able to hear a bit of her story and shared a bit of each of ours as way to introduce and begin relationship.
We reflected upon Pastor Chads Sunday Sermon regarding the use of our time.
We prayerfully considered Psalm 90:12 in light of our individual and corporate lives.
We listened to a 30-min podcast by Peter Scazzero on the 8 Traps that Rob Us of Spaciousness (as a way to introduce us to our next Discipleship Series, “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” with Peter Scazzero) Link to listen: https://youtu.be/Q7DrI1MSCyw
After listening, we shared what Trap stood out to us most.
8 Traps that Rob us of Spaciousness
Underestimating how long things take
We over function- doing for others what they should be doing
Seduced by a wrong, Western definition of Success.
We say yes too quickly to requests and opportunities (| Tim 5:22)
Get unclear (fuzzy about our main assignment for God).
We Treat the temptation of greed lightly.
We stack appointments and commitments on top of each other ("Statio" - pause of transition)
Hurry and busyness are the enemy of spirituality
We are prayerfully considering how God might have us individually revamp our “comings and goings” so to give God, ourselves and others SPACE (margin) and what affect this might have on our:
Our personal lives (emotionally, spiritually, mentally, etc)
Our family’s lives
Our NRHC Faith Family’s lives
Our sphere of influence in community’s lives
A Further Resource:
Whether you call them "goals" or "priorities", they all essentially involve how we choose to use our time. I have created a fun, relaxing resource to guide you to reflect on how God might be inviting you to rearrange your time and what steps, tailored to your God-given design, to take to help you thrive vs merely survive. For resource and the opportunity to receive a free 60-minute coaching session with me, click here: https://www.tamithorsencoaching.com/goal-action-webinar
Hello I'm Tami...
I have been a partner of NRHC since 2012. I have been married to Charlie Thorsen for 30 years and we have two adult children, Austin 24yrs) and Caris (21yrs).
Prior to NRHC, our family served 10 years in student ministry in a church in Iowa and then served 8 years in Bolivia, South America with SIM USA.
In 2016, I founded Masterpiece Coaching LLC where I serve as a life-coach and COACH Model trainer for seasoned ministry leaders who want to grow and be more fruitful in ministry.
I have a great love for making Scriptures come alive in practical, everyday ways. I long to help equip others to live aligned to their God-given design for greater joy and Gospel impact. My heart longs to come alongside others to nurture, spur on and equip them for the next step God has for them in their present roles and/or ministries.
Lord willing, the focus and format of our Dgroup will be as follows:
Our group will begin a Bible study on Experiencing the Lord’s Prayer alongside whole life formation: not just a model of how to pray, but how our commune with God practically affects all of our life, every single day
Our group’s community service will be monthly strategic community prayer walks and what God specifically reveals to us during our praying that we may join Him in serving.