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COACH Model Workshop

Don't Miss This:
Each workshop participant is invited to ONE free, 60-min coaching/training call
(To ask questions, coach Tami & receive feedback, OR be coached by Tami)
Schedule your FREE session by 05/10/2024

Personal 1:1 Life-Coaching (Including Biz/Min Mentor-Coaching with Tami)
Everyone needs a coach. Whether you are a professional coach or integrating your coaching skills into your present roles and ministries. I offer 1:1 Coaching Journey series that fit your time and budget so you can grow and develop as a person and a leader!

Tami's Online Continuing Coaching Development Series
The objective of this online, at your pace, 5-class coaching module is to allow for continued coaching skills growth, development and accountability as we further integrate new coaching skills and tools into our present roles and ministries.

COACH Model Visual Aids
Past workshop participants, Jeff and Julie Sanders, created these visual aids to use for review and prompting with the COACH model.

Getting Into the Coaching Mindset
Past workshop participants, Jeff and Julie Sanders, created this visual aid to use for review and prompting regarding our coaching mindset.

How to understand contextualization in using the COACH Model across different cultures

Disciples Thru Coaching
The relationship between the coach and the disciple is a movement through conversation with a major emphasis on listening and empowering the disciple to develop competencies already available in his frame of Christian reference.

FREE "Leading With Questions" resources
Increase the leadership effectiveness of leaders worldwide by teaching them to lead with questions, created by Bob Tiede.

Super Practical Mentor-Coaching
Using this resource book with dozens of valuable asking tools, models and exercises, practice with real-time feedback these coaching strategies and 1,000 examples of penetrating questions.
Tami offers Mentor-Coaching through this entire book for individuals or groups for Coaching Skills development & Practice.

Culturally Intelligent Coaching
How to implement practical faith-based strategies for culturally intelligent coaching

Resources from Keith Webb
Subscribe to Keith Webb's
weekly leadership posts
by email
and receive
"50 Powerful Coaching Questions"
for FREE!
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