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Masterpiece 2:10

"For we are God's masterpiece.

He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can

do the good things he planned for us long ago."  -Ephesians 2:10

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Watch the video above as I share how God has invited me as a professional Christian life coach to join Him in his work of Gospel discipleship-empowerment among the underprivileged women of Liberia!

Click on the video above to

meet and hear Liberian brother Emmett share his heart-story behind his passion to do all he is able, by God's grace, to help the women in Liberia hear the Gospel and be empowered to make a sustainable income.

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Masterpiece 2:10 Liberia Ministry Objective:


  • Hear a clear presentation of The Gospel 


  • Be given invitation to respond to their loving Creator and Designer in faith


  • Learn together how to Live Aligned to their God-Given design 


  • Be encouraged to work in collaborative groups as they learn from Scripture about their Designer, their design crusher (satan) and how their own unique design has Divine purpose and God-given provision!


  • Receive extensive, Gospel discipleship training so they are equipped to go out and make disciples in the remote areas around them! (Gospel multiplication!)


  • Learn the business and agricultural basics of creating a sustainable dry-rice growing business that honors God, honors themselves, and honors others as they contribute to the needs around them.


ministry objective

Join Us On The Journey:

Click on each image to open update

Attempting the Impossible w our Possible God!
Advanced Training to Begin!
Your Investment Makes a Difference!
How Mission 2:10 is Making an Eternal Impact!
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What God did among us for His Name!

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Masterpiece 2:10

Masterpiece 2:10 Seed Fund

Pray & Give toward Gospel Multiplication
and Marketplace Business

Seed Fund

Masterpiece 2:10
Join God in His Gospel Work in Liberia
by investing your prayers and financial resources
sow both the seeds of Gospel discipleship-multiplication and economic sustainability!

*Please note: My coaching business is unable to issue tax-deductible receipts. Thank you for your understanding.

THANK YOU for helping to sow both the seeds of Gospel discipleship-multiplication and economic sustainability! Praise the Lord! 

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