Ladies, as Christmas draws closer, and the NEW YEAR is about to begin, consider for a moment what you REALLY want.
Watch Video DAY ONE below as I share my heart and invite you to reflect on yours this Christmas and consider what next step God may be offering you so you can further live aligned to your God-given design for even deeper satisfaction and eternal impact!
All who read this blog, consider this valuable gifting idea...for yourself...or someone you know...

Are you highly-driven, gifted, skilled and love serving others, be it in the home or in the church or in your community, or in the market-place, or all of the above... I have a gift FOR YOU!
In Video DAY TWO below, we take another look into John 4 and consider Jesus' statement,
“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." — Jn 4:34 (NIV)
I will explain how later in Ephesians 2:10 that God wants the same for us:
"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." -Eph 2:10 (NIV)
Wow! We, as born again believers, adopted children of God, & daughters of the King have not only newness of life with no more bondage to sin, but we have a purpose...a specific purpose...plans made in advance by our Heavenly Father who has equipped, wired and shaped for us to walk in, accomplish, find fulfilling satisfaction and enjoy making an eternal difference in the lives of those in your specific, God- ordained sphere of influence, "at such a time as this!" (Esther 4:14)
But often we feel bogged down with feeling weary, pressured and overwhelmed with all the opportunities around us, don't we?
With tenderness and intentionality, I want to come alongside you and help you break free from the heaviness of limiting beliefs, unrealistic expectations and areas of untouched healing that keep them from living out their God-designed best.
Yes, my biz-ministry as Gospel-driven Life Coach and Trainer, I serve women like you by inviting you to invest in a coaching-journey so you can gain the clarity, confidence and freedom you need right now to further live aligned to your God-given design!
However, perhaps a coaching-journey is not a next step for you. Perhaps a little different angle of support is what you need.
I would like to invite you to receive my FREE gift to you: A coaching-exercise that walks you through a reflective time that allows you to gain the clarity, confidence, joy and next steps you have been desiring for yourself and your new year.
Click the link below to receive this gift which includes:
A PRINTABLE SUMMARY SHEET that helps you solidify the reflections you have as you watch the recording...
My personal WEBINAR RECORDING to view at your own pace, your own place!...
A FREE 60-MINUTE COACHING SESSION to process your heart regarding the work you made throughout this webinar.
Those who watch the webinar AND complete the summary sheet, emailing me a copy, will receive a link to schedule this FREE SESSION!
Come, receive my gift to YOU!
Receive it by going here:

Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is. — 3Jn 2 (NLT)
As I draw this blog post to a close, I have a question for you...
Ever finished reading a book & hoped what you read would make a lasting impact in your life & in the lives around you?
Invest in a Book-Coaching Journey with me and...
have a built-in accountability to start & finish your book
determine the focus & desired results of your journey
deeply process the points that are important to you
tailor-make real-time applications for life-transformation
evaluate your progress & experience Life-Change
Be encouraged as you watch Day THREE video below and...Learn more how you can start a Book Coaching-Journey today: