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How God Equips Us as Parents to Respond to a World of Increasing Harm

Writer's picture: CoachTami2.10CoachTami2.10

What’s been your thoughts and feelings? Early this morning, especially when I read about the 3 different guns found in 3 different Rock Hill schools over a period of 3 days…

…my heart has been heavy and sorely saddened to see how our world is sinking further into the brokenness that comes from our sin-cursed world.

As I considered such moral and ethical demise and the affect this has on the safety and well-being of our lives…especially for our children/grandchildren…

I began to feel sorrowful and even felt my body heighten in anxiety and fear for my own kids and the kids of parents I know because the world they are growing up in is not what it used to be.

But in the still quiet of this early morning, I turned to God’s Word and was led to read this passage:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
So you must never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don't be ashamed of me, either, even though I'm in prison for Christ.
With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the proclamation of the Good News. It is God who saved us and chose us to live a holy life.
He did this not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan long before the world began—to show his love and kindness to us through Christ Jesus.”
-2 Timothy 1:7-9 (NLT)

How about you? I sure needed this Truth reminder and how timely it came before me, thank you Father! And from my personal meditation on the passage, the following Truths flooded my heart, giving way to courage, love and self-discipline

Before time, God planned out every person’s timeline of earthly existence and determined each of their boundaries as to where and when they would live.

Every one of us!

His desire in designating such is that we would commit, by faith, to live our lives aligned to our God-given design all throughout the exact moments in time that He places us.

“From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.”
-Acts 17:26-27 (NIV)

Because God declares your life and your child or grandchild’s life is not a coincidence or an accident, but is instead a divine masterpiece and sovereign appointment with extraordinary, fulfilling purpose…

…as parents/grandparents in the Truth, let us encourage one another in our DOing and our BEing to:

  • Raise them up to know the power they walk in as children of God.

  • Train them up in the authority of His Word.

  • Teach them to walk in faith knowing that God is in control.

  • Empower them to know they can change the world.

  • Be intentional to live such as a model for them to see, experience and follow.

  • Be prayerful in asking God to help you recognize when you may be modeling a fearful, disheartened, and despairing example when you see and hear the sad state of the world.

  • Be hopeful in God’s enduring promises which stand against all odds that they are appointed by God to be equipped and empowered by Him to do something about it in His name.

Every person in all of history has been placed in the time that they were in because of God's sovereign plan. That includes YOU. That includes me. That includes your own children and the children in your sphere of influence.

What a privilege it is to be God’s instruments for our younger generation so He can remind them through us that “in Him, we ARE more than conquerors!” (Romans 8:37)

Remember….Because God was and is and always will BE our sufficient grace, power, strength and wisdom for those who believe…

He knew Daniel could handle the lions den.
He knew David could handle Goliath.
He knew Esther could handle Haman.
He knew Peter could handle persecution.

He knows that, with Him as their Sovereign Lord and Savior, your child can walk through whatever challenge they face in their life. You can be confident that God has uniquely designed them specifically for each challenge they meet, promises to give them exactly what they need for it, and calls each of them his masterpiece!

So what? (I always like to ask myself that question.)

So…let us not be scared for our children and let us be honored that God chose YOU to parent this next generation who is facing the biggest challenges of our lifetime.

Now what? (Another question I like to ask myself, because good ideas with out action is…just a good idea)

Father, mother, grandparent…What will be our action?

  • Let us RISE UP to the challenge.

  • Let us RAISE UP Daniels, Davids, Esthers and Peters!

  • Let us LEAD by godly example.

  • Let us PRAY ON the armor of God over ourselves and our children.

God isn't scratching His head wondering what He's going to do with this mess of a world. He has PREDETERMINED an army He's raising up to drive back the darkness and make Him known all over the earth. And your child/grandchild is one of them! Onward Christian Soldier! Therefore my fellow parent in the Lord…

  • Let not our fear steal the greatness of God placed in us and our children by His powerful Holy Spirit. (Recall often to mind 2 Timothy 1:7-9 written above)

  • Let us do our part, living aligned to our God-given design for greater joy and Gospel impact! Remember…In Christ, we also are God’s unique, one-of-a-kind masterpiece personally bearing specific facets of His image for the world to have multiple opportunities to see, hear and respond to His invitation of love and salvation through us! What. A. Divine. Privilege! As much as we just want to protect our children from anything that could ever be hard on them…as we model, nurture, teach, correct, guide, discipline, and make decisions over their holistic well-being, safety and comfort…

Remember: they (we) were born for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14)

Helping you live aligned to your God-given design,


P.S.. Perhaps you honestly know all this but are finding it difficult to practically apply in your personal parenting context. You are not alone. I provide parents support by coming alongside them in processing such paramount mindsets and responsibilities. If you are even the least bit interested in finding out more how my coaching ministry could help fortify and transform your personal life and parenting, I invite you to reach out and let’s connect. I’d love to hear from you!

Tami Thorsen Certified ICF PCC Life-Coach | COACH Model Trainer Tami Thorsen Coaching Ministries “Helping you live aligned to your God-given design for greatest Gospel impact”

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