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How God speaks into us perfectionistic-hard-working-Christ-following-women...

Writer's picture: CoachTami2.10CoachTami2.10

Tired? Worn out from all the hard work?

How often is our hard work exalted over the presence of God?

It’s easy to do! So many messages from outside and inside our minds scream “You gotta DO more!”

But doesn’t that produce in you an exhausting rhythm of fear, anxiety and overwhelm?

O how often I exalt ~hard work~ over the ~presence of God~... my homemaking, my grocery shopping, my parenting, my coaching biz-ministry, my Bible-reading...


BUT...Jesus Christ offers me (and you) His transforming alternative...

Today...right now...Join me in prayerfully reflecting and considering His invitation:

“Are you tired?

Worn out?

Burned out on religion? Come to me.

Get away with me and you'll recover your life.

I'll show you how to take a real rest.

Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it.

Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.

I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Matthew 11:28-30 (MSG)

Yes, I want this, don’t you?

We can start right now...with Him...

Confess your exaltation of ~hard work~ over the unforced rhythm of His presence in your everyday homemaking, parenting, discipling, Bible studying, ministry and business.

And keep company with Jesus.

I confess, even as a born-again Christ-follower, I lived out most of my life as a driven and ever-striving hard-core perfectionistic daughter, university student, wife, parent of 2, high school educator, youth-pastor’s wife, and cross-cultural missionary.

But the loving Shepherd of my soul helped me to see and experience His unforced rhythms of His Grace when he stripped away enormous portions of my life I valued so much:


•Mom died while I was in Bolivia

•Childhood home sold and all its belongings auctioned off in a matter of hours

•Diagnosed with rare autoimmune disease that targets the eyes in very painful ways, limiting my energy, work and ability to travel

•Dad died

•Back surgeries


I was derailed. I thought it mean of God. I was crushed. I was angry. I was flat-lined.

But that, without me knowing it at the time, was just the right foundation for Christ to start His new work in me...introducing me His unforced rhythms of Grace into my everyday life. What freedom. What joy. What lightness!

Now, as a certified alignment life-coach, I help women break free from the overwhelm and exhaustion of this perfectionist mindset so they, too, can live aligned to their God-given with renewed freedom, lightness and the joy of making an eternal difference in their sphere of influence!

Let me take you on a coaching-journey that will help you live without that striving-overwhelm so you can live light and aligned to how God uniquely designed YOU!

🤝Connect with me here and let’s prayerfully consider if a coaching-journey is your next step!

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