I confess my all-too-strong tendency to want FIXING rather than FILLING.
We define “fixing” to mean, “our problems are taken away.”
But Jesus’ definition of “fixing” means, “to Sovereignly align people, places & things in such a way that invites us to LET Him, not our comfort & confidence, be “Faith-Filler.”
& this often comes in ways I’d rather not have...
...like His “fixing”—the WAITING; when I’m expecting an answer.
...like His “fixing”—the STRUGGLE; when I’m expecting relief.
...like His “fixing”—the STORM; when I’m expecting the calm.
...like His “fixing”—the FEAR; when I’m expecting nerves of steel.
The Truth is—
Jesus IS both The Fixer & The Filler; however, Jesus’ “fixing” is always woven into His “filling”.
Jesus sees our struggles. Every single one of them.
LET Jesus watch.
Jesus comes in ways & times we least expect.
LET Jesus in.
Struggles reveal our hearts in ways that point out the true depth of our faith & exposes areas of fear, doubt & hardened heart.
LET Jesus expose.
Jesus will always come to us.
LET Jesus come.
Jesus desires that we LET the struggles & trials give us the “Faith-workout” He knows we need so we can grow deeper into Him, & “wean off” of trusting ourselves & present circumstances/resources.
LET Jesus work.
James 1:2-4 (NLT)
Dear brothers & sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, LET it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So LET it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character & ready for anything.
LET Jesus...
...take His time, when we think He’s being slow;
...assure us, “I Am here!”; when we think He’s left us;
...BE our faithful FAITH-filler.
He fills us with His sufficient grace to allow Him to grow in us an ever-growing faith amidst the “fixings” He sovereignly allows-
True Biblical Filling-Faith:
The confident obedience that
HE IS who He says HE is
WILL DO all He says HE WILL do.

Beautifully said! We so gradually fall into focusing on fixing. Great reminder.