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We All Need a Coach?

Recently, someone who came to me for a coaching session commented in the middle of our conversation and said, “I can understand now how everyone should have a coach in their lives because it’s not so much about getting help, but about gaining clarity in their thinking.

Even I, Tami Thorsen, a professional life-coach, trained and credentialed by ICF, the highest Coaching standard recognized world-wide, have invested in a coach to coach me. 

What for? What drives such a investment? 

Romans 12:2 explains the answer beautifully:

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Simply put, God desires each one of us to think about our thinking. 

And an intentional conversation which comes from a coaching session does just that. Coaching simply models what God’s Word in 2 Corinthians 10:5 says:

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 

However, many of us assume a coaching conversation is where the coach tells the one being coached what thoughts need to be taken captive. Not at all. That’s counseling, or teaching, or mentoring. 

Coaching is a safe space given to the one being coached in which an intentional process occurs...

Let’s say you are the one being coached here. See how the conversation would look like...

You are invited to articulate the thinking that has been on your mind while your coach carefully listens to every word, nuance, tone, expression...

Throughout your sharing, your coach then asks you powerful questions to consider and respond, drawing out even more insight and discovery...

Then comes the real you become more aware of your thinking, your perspectives, your motivations, your reasoning, your desires, your fears, your dreams, etc., you begin to see what particular thinking you sense needs to be taken captive and made obedient to Christ. 

Your coach tenderly comes alongside you to help you create meaningful next steps forward that you want to take so you can further live aligned to your God-given design.

Again, contrary to what many believe, coaching is not counseling where the coach tells you what you should do.

Not at all.

The coach merely comes alongside you to help you draw out that which lurks far below the surface of your thinking so you personally discover the root behind your thoughts and determine how you want to move forward with such new you can move forward with greater clarity, freedom, and renewed joy of living as God designed you!

We all need this kind of conversation with someone who is intentional in helping us be transformed by the renewing of your mind:

To think about our thinking and act on what is discovered, so that our thinking, and consequently our lives, further align to Truth for a life of greatest Gospel impact!

Romans 12:2 was not Divinely written only to those who think they need help with their thoughts. Romans 12:2 was Divinely written to everyone who thinks. Period. 

That means you. That means me.

And investing in having our own personal coach may be where we can start doing just that.

Think about it.

Interested in finding out whether or not coaching is the next step for you? Let’s talk! 

Schedule your free 15-min discovery call with me and get a taste of coaching! 

Schedule by clicking on the link below:

Tami Thorsen Certified ICF ACC Life-Coach | Head2Heart Onward  “Helping you live aligned to your God-given design for greatest Gospel impact”

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