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What does BREAD do for you?

Whoa, it’s been tough lately. This past week...Very down. Tired. Exhausted. Almost taking on “colors” of despair. Ugggg.

And then this.

This verse struck me in this morning’s quiet time. I want to share my thoughts with you and as I do, pray for both you and I specifically as we go thru our day today.

That we would allow God to further deepen our faith and trust in Him...because, well, I waver so quickly.

Ready for this? I’m just writing from a vulnerable heart that is seeking after God, and recognizing the battle in doing so...(Rom 7...I do what I do not want...)

Here goes...

I read...

“Give us this day our daily bread.” Matthew 6:11

I began to think/meditate/journal this...

It is all too easy to pray this “simple” prayer.

As easy as this prayer is to pray to God, it is one of the hardest of answers to personally receive from Him.

I easily recognize my need TO CALL ON GOD to be the sufficient Provider for the things He knows I need, that’s the easy part.

But the hard part is in recognizing my need TO TRUST GOD has indeed promised to give willingly and sufficiently for every moment.

Every moment.


It is all to easy for me to doubt and fret that somehow, some SURE way, I may “come up short.”

Basing such doubt on a number of reasons:

  1. I did something that forfeited His sufficient grace

  2. Thinking His sufficiency won’t meet the standards of my definition of sufficiency for that day/moment. And I’ll be “hung out to dry.”

  3. Thinking His sufficiency will actually involve me being uncomfortable in some way: pain, suffering, etc. (And I “shrink back” from such sacrifice because I can’t fathom being truly enabled by Him thru such a time/season)

  4. Thinking that it is all up to me to ensure a plan, a way, to NOT come up short; wearing myself out mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually in effort to somehow compensate or “equivalate” by some “other means” for what I feel/see as lack...

...Instead God calls me to pray this “simple prayer”, declaring my trust in His blunt promise to sufficiently give me my daily bread as I bow my ENTIRE life (and dreams AND fears) before His willing and Sovereignly-Good, capable hands.

Oh Father, grow my trust IN YOUR Eternal Sufficiency to be my daily sufficiency. Period.

Rest soul, my Savior is Sufficient for me.

In Jesus name,


I invite you to comment below so I may pray this specifically over you, by name, ALL throughout the DAY today!

What in this blog post caught your heart?

“Give us this day our daily bread.” Matthew 6:11

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2 comentários

Tami Thorsen
Tami Thorsen
27 de ago. de 2020

Praying for us both, Becky, that we when we give God our “today” and yet have doubts that God would work in these doubts to lead us further toward faith.

I personally found this 10-day devotional helpful:


Rebecca Dudenhofer
Rebecca Dudenhofer
26 de ago. de 2020

Yes..... that’s where I struggle .... saying “I give today to you Lord”, but having doubts. Thanks for sharing. I’ll be able to keep better up to date, now.

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